Sunday, June 5, 2011

No worries, I didn't get bit by a rabid raccoon.

Ok, sorry folks I have not been very up to date with my blogs these past four days.  Been super busy exploring Acadia as well as traveling for the past few days.  The campground did not have wireless, hence those absences. And the wireless at the hotel we finally found last night was not working.  Please forgive me for getting behind!

Denny and I have been pretty busy and having a great time so far, but we made it safely back to his brother's house in New Jersey for the night(/week?? Sorry Erik and Marissa, your stuck with us for a bit longer).  I am a bit tired from traveling and I want to do our last couple days justice so I will be filling you in more tomorrow morning.  Love you all. Better blogs tomorrow. Promise.

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