Saturday, July 9, 2011


We made it to Missoula on Friday afternoon, spent the evening and all day today here.  Did lots of fun artsy stuff and gave myself a lovely little self-guided tour of the University of Montana Missoula.  I actually really like it out here.  And even though Denny said that I have mentioned it everywhere we seem to go; I think I could live out here for awhile.

BUT! I know this is short and sweet for now, but we have an 17-18 hour drive HOME tomorrow. YAY!  I will add more pictures and info of the last week when I make it to the comforts of my home.  I can't wait. It is kind of bittersweet to be finally done and going home, but I wouldn't trade the trip for anything.  I can't say there are things I wouldn't do differently next time, but like everyone said; it was the trip of a lifetime.

Thanks all for following and there will be more soooooooon!  Love you all!

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